Pomalu se blíží další ročník veletrhu s uměním ArtBasel
20.2.2017 11:11 vložil red.
Art Basel today announced its gallery list for the 48th edition in Basel, Switzerland,
taking place from June 15 to June 18, 2017. This year, 291 leading international
galleries will present works ranging from the early 20th century to contemporary
artists. The Basel show, whose Lead Partner is UBS, will present galleries from 34
countries and six continents.
Pomalu se blíží další ročník veletrhu s uměním ArtBasel
20.2.2017 11:11 vložil red.
taking place from June 15 to June 18, 2017. This year, 291 leading international
galleries will present works ranging from the early 20th century to contemporary
artists. The Basel show, whose Lead Partner is UBS, will present galleries from 34
countries and six continents.
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